“Eternal Question”

You are not fond of the gold castles,

Lord of wealth, Kubera

Submits to your mortification,

Greed cannot move you to a feast of fifty-six meals,

You exclaim,

“To attain mental peace,

Contentment is mandatory”.

I know

You are the origin

Of rivers of the world

You are the crack through which

The golden egg escapes

Oh Lord of the highest peaks!

It is an eternal question,

Do you embrace nature or

Does nature embrace you?

Your answer will pacify me.

Nidhi Agrawal

Nidhi’s writings and digital art have been featured by Laurel Review, Altadena Libraries, University of North Dakota, Project Muse sponsored by John Hopkins University, Hobart Books, Orange Blossom Review (Florida College English Association), Writing Center at Washtenaw Community College (WCC), University of Illinois at Chicago, BYU College of Humanities and the Department of English, The University of Pennsylvania, Quadrant Australia, University of California, Riverside, Chicago School of Arts, Lewis Clark State College’s literary journalal, St. Francisco University, Xavier Review Press, California State Poetry Society, The University of Tennessee, Chronogram Magazine, Letters (Yale University), Setu Journal, South Asian Today, Indian Periodical, Garland Magazine, Muse India, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, etc. She is the author of 'Confluence' and an esteemed contributor to the 'Suicide Volume 2 Poetry Collection' & ‘Anodyne’.


“House Number 25”

