“my brother; bronzed grackle”

scavenger. seed eater. called a boy 

strawberry with a sneer in his beak. 

because he’s all red and pink. underripe

too early for picking. he’s soft. strawberries 

aren’t soft. no, soft means a bitch. unwanted 

definition. was my brother ever soft? 

feathers always askew. all hard lines, tight 

fade, close crop. i’ve heard his voice break 

like birdcry. sharp, startling. not soft.


BEE LB is an array of letters, bound to impulse; a porcelain pierrot with a painted face. they collect champagne bottles, portraits of strange women, and diagnoses. they've been published in G*Mob, MOODY, Landfill, and The Racket, among others. their portfolio can be found at twinbrights.carrd.co




“the sea bares its teeth”