“The Chain Bound”

Please god, let there be a heaven for dogs

particularly, the ones left to rot

in ninety-degree weather,

nothin but a half-dead shrub for shade.

Even with it,

the chain link boa constrictor will choke em out

for the act of pursuing relief.

Let em step off the property line

exist without the pretense

of something less important than man-

build a door

with a child behind it,

it is important they get to experience

the excitement of welcoming someone home.


give em

a chance of vengeance.

I don’t know if I agree with revenge-

but let them, just once,

bite the hand that fed them

instead of flinch.

Taya Wynn

Taya Wynn (She/Her) is a writer based a little bit of everywhere- currently volunteering around the West Coast of America. She is Inspired by David Bowie interviews and the fascination of every little detail of life and the many different perspectives that will experience it all.

You can find her work on TikTok at @whispertothem00n

Instagram: @taytaywynn


“The breach [koan]”


“see, even cleverbot says ben is someone who drowned!”